July 2022 update


After two difficult years of interrupted practice due to covid, we have returned to normal training in the Faulconbridge Community Hall. Our Katoomba classes have not reopened.
Over the course of the restrictions, our group gathered for modified training as restrictions allowed: sometimes indoors with masks, sometimes outdoors in the parks (when it wasn’t raining!)
We all hope that there will be no more restrictions/lockdowns, and that we can maintain our practice from now on.
New members are now welcome.

COVID-19 update

Covid19 situation seems to be in a delicate balance of being somewhat contained but with some small outbreaks from unknown sources. In this environment, the Blue Mountains Aikido group is presently conducting limited, modified training classes for current members only. New members are not being accepted at this time.

COVID-19 Response

Cancellation of Aikido classes from Monday 16 March

Covid-19 has now been recognised internationally as a pandemic and all non-essential, close-contact, high density gatherings have either been cancelled or most likely will be cancelled in the near future. Some of our dojos have already found their training facilities have been closed.

We are therefore taking the steps to temporarily close all Aiki Kai Australia classes nationally from Monday 16 March until 13 April, at which point we will advise the current state of play.

We will continue to follow government and good health guidelines and keep you informed of what’s happening. Please regularly check for emails from us and watch our national website/Facebook page for additional home training tips and any pertinent news.

We will let you know as soon as it is deemed safe to train together again.

With best regards and please take care during this period!