Beginning Aikido
Students need to be at least 15 years old to practice at our Blue Mountains dojos (childrens classes are held at other dojos such as Leichhardt).
Before beginning Aikido with us, you are asked to come along to the dojo to watch a class to see the style of our practice. You may have seen or practiced Aikido before, but our classes may be different from what you have in mind. There are a number of ‘styles’ of Aikido and the nature of the classes can vary considerably. Before starting practice, you are required to complete a membership form for Aiki Kai (Australia), and pay a membership fee.

It is not necessary to buy a training uniform (gi) or weapons when you commence practice. A beginner can wear any loose clothing – track pants and a top is ideal. Jewellery must be removed for practice. Finger-nails and toe-nails need to be trimmed short for safety – a poke in the eye with a long fingernail can cause loss of sight.
Cleanliness is important. Hands and feet should be clean when coming to practice. It is customary to bring thongs to class to wear from the changing room to the mat – do not walk onto the mat with dirty feet.
We do not hold separate beginner’s classes. Even as a beginner you will join in with the rest of the class, or you will be paired with an experienced partner for introductory exercises. You may be asked to sit and watch some of the activities that would be inappropriate for a beginner.
You are not required to participate in any exercise that you may make you feel uncomfortable – and you should not feel compelled to do so. You should let your training partner or instructor know that you do not feel ready to try anything that you are not comfortable with.
It is vital that you let your instructor know if you have any injury or difficulty with particular movements.
Fees and membership information
Blue Mountains Aiki Kai is a part of Aiki Kai Australia, and all beginners are required to become members of Aiki Kai Australia before practicing with us.
Information about joining and membership fees are found on the Aiki Kai Australia website.
Training fees in the Blue Mountains dojos are presently $50/month.